Jul 31, 2018
As part of OWI’s whitepaper debuting on Thursday, entitled “Blockchain and Identity in 2018: A Year of Promise and Pilots,” we sat down with a number of companies in the blockchain space to talk about how groundbreaking distributed ledger technology will be a game changer for digital identification. This week,...
Jul 24, 2018
OWI Labs VP Neil Hughes and Senior Analyst Simeon Beal tackle the latest news in the identity and cybersecurity space, including the European Union’s $5 billion fine of Google, Microsoft’s new identity-focused bug bounty program, financial inclusion in Nigeria, and what the departure of Justice Anthony Kennedy from...
Jul 10, 2018
OWI Labs VP Neil Hughes and Senior Analyst Simeon Beal discuss the latest news in the identity space, including Amazon’s $1 billion purchase of Pillpack, Lyft buying the company behind Citibike, credit freezes going free nationwide, and how AT&T’s purchase of AppNexus could affect digital identity.
Jul 3, 2018
Host Cameron D’Ambrosi and Clearsale Executive Vice President Rafael Lourenco discuss the impact of new technologies on credit card fraud, the challenges of eCommerce in Brazil and Mexico, and how lessons learned from those markets can be applied here in the United States.
Cameron D’Ambrosi